BSV Headteacher Appointed


The Schools Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Prosser as the Headteacher of The British School of Vilnius. Following a rigorous selection process, Mr. Prosser was appointed from an exceptionally strong field of candidates.

Mr Prosser comes with an exceptional track record of success as the Headteacher of Dubai Heights Academy, as well as teaching and senior leadership positions in schools in the UK.

Mr Prosser will be overseeing the admissions and development of the school in preparation of the school opening in September 2019. He is joined in Vilnius with his wife.

Please find below a personal introduction from Mr Prosser:

Dear BSV Parents,

I am delighted to welcome you to The British School of Vilnius. I am thrilled to be part of the school at this exciting time and to lead the school as the founding Headmaster. I love learning! Working in the UK and internationally I have met a wide range of people who have all taught me something along the way. It’s this interaction with people and learning from others that really drives me.

Originally from the United Kingdom, my career has spanned over 18 years in the Primary and Middle school age range. I met my wife in the UK and we travelled to the Middle East together to explore international education. I love anything outdoors from skydiving and cycling to mountain boarding and snowboarding! You’ll find me around school in the classrooms joining in with your children, painting, drawing and building things and trying out new ways to keep learning fun for everyone.

The majority of my experience has been opening and leading international schools in the Middle East. I see education as always being a partnership. As a school we will support every child and make sure they feel safe, respected, and secure in their environment. In return we want pupils to take an active role in their own education and take responsibility for it. Whether pupils are with us for their school career or just a couple of years, we want them to head out into the world ready to contribute something new.

My greatest strength is my enthusiasm for ensuring each and every child receives an outstanding education. This drive comes from the desire to see every child enter their adult life with the skills, knowledge and values to make a difference in the global society of the 21st Century. All pupils are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential in the classroom, at whatever level. Not every child can be good at everything but every child can be good at something. It is our job to discover something for every pupil.

I am passionate about education and have always enjoyed working with parents to provide the very best for their children. Parents should feel part of a school community and I want our parents to have fun at school too!

We are the first British International School in Vilnius and I am excited about really immersing ourselves in the community and culture while also providing the children with a well rounded British and international curriculum. My aim is for The British School of Vilnius to be a school that is a leading light in education in Vilnius and across Europe.

I look forward to welcoming you all personally and sharing the exciting opportunities that The British School of Vilnius has to offer you and your child.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Prosser

Mr Prosser's Image Gallery


This article was originally published on The British School of Vilnius' website at on May 21, 2019.


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