First Few Weeks at BSSP
Speaking on behalf of the staff and children, it has been a pleasure to live through the opening, high octane, first three weeks at the British School of St Petersburg.
Children who were apprehensive on the Opening Day about meeting new teachers and friends in our recently renovated building have settled in with such ease it feels like we have all been working together for years.
Wandering through the corridors, you’re met by display boards showcasing fantastic work and effort. Reception made pizzas to reinforce their p sound. Nursery brought in bags from home to talk about their families. Outside Year 1/2 there are wanted posters done on behalf of the Three Bears and, just today, security was sent to Year 3/4 to discover who the culprit might be for the straw, sticks and bricks left in their classroom.
Three out of our four houses have already won stars for outstanding work, both for their efforts in the classroom and through creating an artistic display that encapsulates the pride and belonging they feel towards their House team.
The class mascots have accompanied their Stars of the Week across St Petersburg. Their journals are full of exciting exploits as they’ve visited museums, cinemas, cafes and one of the luckiest even managed to go for a swim.
In school, as in life, however, it’s often the simple pleasures that mean the most. Being greeted with a “Good morning Mr Clarke” by children (and staff) genuinely excited to be in school sets us up nicely for what should be another excellent week.
This article was originally published on The British School of St. Petersburg’s website at on September 16, 2019.